The LIEF Erikson

Monday, July 18, 2005

Trek Fan Flash, July 05

Enterprise Flashed
Chad Troftgruben, the Flash artist producing "Enterprise: Flashed" has had to cancel his plan to combine all three parts of his serial Flash movie "Cancelled" due to technical difficulties. This hasn't stopped him from developing his ideas, though.

This month he has released shorts and screenshots of his second special, "Moonves Versus Brazeal" a sequel to his earlier special,"The Leslie Moonves Incident". Tim Brazeal has gratiously consented to supply the voice talent for his own character but to date I believe Chad has been unable to get Mr Moonves to play himself.

This month Chad has also released a promo clip that has a trailer of the episodes and a couple of interviews with the creators.

He's talking about releasing a DVD when he has enough material together. From comments on the TU forum it is good to see he realises that he needs to follow exactly the same constraints as every other Fan Production - he won't be able to sell it - but is hoping either for donations to cover the cost of production or to class it as a parody so that he can legally sell it.

All these Flash movies can be downloaded for free from the Episodes Webpage of the Enterprise Website.

Ok, so it might not be up to the standard of "Xombie" but his talents are developing at an awsome rate. He has a good grasp of script and action - it's fun to watch and it looks surprisingly good considering the rate at which he is punching them out! This could well be the vehicle to rocket Troftgruben to fan fame - and with support and development it could be an avenue for the continuation of Enterprise!

For the latest news and reviews of Enterprise: Flashed keep an eye on his Forum on Trek United for which you need free registration on Trek United - but you're all members of Trek United anyway, aren't you?

You're not?!

Star Trek: Endeavour
As I have pointed out elsewhere, there are semi-professionals that are drawn to create something that they know how to do well as a Trek Fan Production and there are fans who want to do something so strongly that they embark on a long learning curve to make something that will win critical acclaim.

In this, Trek United Australia's Aussie_Trekie is in company with the USS Justice, makers of "Tales of the Seventh Fleet" in that he has felt the need to create a movie so strongly that he is prepared to start from scratch.

He has completed the third episodes and is working on a fourth, although the first is no longer available since it was pointed out that he had subconsciously duplicated the plot from an old TOS episode! Keep up the good work, AT!


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