Who is Kirok of L'Stok?
He could be an English-born Australian, a married father of two who has worked on the railways for 27 years and has reached the pinnacle of his career as a technical officer crunching numbers into an unrecognisable pulp on a computer all day!
... or he could be a Klingon abandoned at birth because of major handicaps, raised by Vulcans and used as a human guinea pig for cybernetic implants.
... or he could be a Star Trek fan who likes to write. A member of Starfleet International and correspondence member of a Canadian fan club, he edits two SFI Fanzines, is a moderator of their Writers group and regularly contributes to their Newsletter, Communique. A major contributor to the Trek United Fan Film Campaign, he writes for their Newsletter and contributes articles for their front page as well as for Planet Fandom
OK, I'll 'fess up. I'm all three!
I've been described as a "fan video maker" and I must admit that I held the title of producer of the Trek United Tribute Trailer although I can take little credit for the amazing body of work that it has become - Trek rider, the Director deserves full credit! Without her it would not exist. The closest I have come has been to make two
short "Teasers" for the Trek United campaign on Windows Movie maker. I have aspirations to participating in one or more fan productions in the future, but for the moment I am a comentator rather than a producer!
It all started when my kids were little, I decided to take up something for fun to show them that Dad wasn't really a boring old stiff - I started getting involved with Star Trek. Writing Fan Fic, articles, editing Newsletters and, lately, inflicting my Blogs on an unsuspecting world.
When I was a kid in England
My kids have shown me that a person can do absolutely anything! By encouraging them to read, write ... create ... I've started to do these things myself.
Did I tell you Kirok loves his kids?